Our Commitment

The Seawinds Early Learning Centre is committed to provide high quality education and care for all children in their early years. The educational program is a rich play-based program, based on the sound educational principles and research of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. Children learn as they discover, investigate, solve problems, create, improvise and imagine through both open-ended play experiences and intentionally planned activities. Children are encouraged to socially engage with others and form healthy social interactions and groups. They are guided to negotiate, collaborate and to use effective communication skills to express their needs, wants and ideas.


Our Programs

Seawinds Early Learning Centre teachers and educators develop and provide programs which enhance learning and development. Programs are planned around individual and group needs incorporating children’s interests, levels of development and abilities. The programs have a strong language focus that encourages vocabulary development and literacy skills. This is supported by specific staff training and support from literacy specialists within the programs. Learning is facilitated through reading and play in a manner that is deliberate and precise. Using an enriched caregiving approach, educators enhance everyday interactions turning them into meaningful learning experiences. Children and families are encouraged to be active participants in learning. Teachers and educators respect that parents are their child’s first educator. Teacher and educators acknowledge the diversity of family values and individuality in parenting styles. Parents and families are always welcome to participate in the daily program.


Our Community & Environment

At Seawinds, we place a strong emphasis on community. Volunteers are valued members of the team, supporting teachers, educators and children within the learning environment. A learning community is fostered by encouraging the sharing of ideas and knowledge in a safe and supportive environment. Children are encouraged to develop their own civic identity through engagement with the broader community including strong ties with Eastbourne Primary School.

The natural world is a child’s best teacher and children at Seawinds are encouraged to interact with the natural world on a daily basis through our indoor/outdoor programs and our beautiful natural play-space. Our valuing of the outdoor environment extends to Beach Kinder sessions and regular local excursions.